Robert Blanchard Cochran ( Missoula 1944 )
posted: Oct 5, 2020
Bob jumped three seasons at Missoula. In his rookie year 1944 he got seven practice and four fire jumps and was stationed at Moose Creek. In 1945 he got five training and seven fire jumps and followed that with three practice and four fire jumps in the 1946 season.
After the 1946 season he married and settled in Missoula where he and his wife, Anna, raised four daughters. Bob worked as a career truck driver in the Missoula area working for many businesses including Consolidated Freightways, Anaconda Company, and Champion Timberlands before retiring in 1984. Bob raised quarter horses as a hobby, enjoyed trail riding and was a member of the Missoula County Sheriff's Posse.
Bob became seriously ill with diabetes later in life and died at his home in Turah, Montana of a self -inflicted gunshot on November 18, 1987 at age 63.