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Missoula Base Reunion Set For This Summer

by Chuck Sheley |

A Reunion for all Missoula Smokejumpers is scheduled for July 12 & 13, 2013. A BBQ will be held the evening of July 12 and a dinner the evening of July 13. Other activities are being planned. There will be lots of time available for renewing old acquaintances. Other Based Jumpers also welcome to attend. A special Base Tour is being planned for July 13 along with practice jumps, weather and fire situations permitting.
July 14 is a travel day for those who volunteered to work on an NSA Trails Project the week of July 15 to 19.
Specific Registration Information will be sent in March and April. In the meantime, reserve July 12 & 13 on your calendar and please give us the following information to assist us in planning:
If you will attend OR may attend (Please specify which)
If your Spouse will attend
Email Address OR Mailing address if no Email
Missoula Rookie Year OR other Base and Rookie Year
If you need Motel Reservations
Activities you recommend be held
Please email the above information to Sandy Evenson, Registrar, at OR to NSA MSO Reunion, PO Box 4081, Missoula, MT 59806.