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2015 Annual Trails Report Now Ready To Read

by Chuck Sheley |

Note: Since you are already on the NSA website, go to the Link to the Trails Program on the lower left hand side of this site.

From Trails Report Editor
Steve Carlson (IDC-62):

Hi Folks,
The long awaited Annual Report for the NSA Trails projects is ready for you at the link below.

You folks (squad leaders?) who work closely with the USFS, BLM, NPS, etc. are encouraged to pass the link along to them so they can see the coverage we give them.

As usual, the report on the website is the “economy” version, which means it is about 2MB when you download it. If you are going to print some or all of the report and want a “nicer” copy to work with, reply to me and I will email it to you. The “standard” version is about 5MB, and the “really nice” one is about 24MB.

If you are going to print the “fast, use less ink” option, it won’t make a lot of difference. If you use a “high quality” option, it will make a difference which version of the report you use.

If you have questions, feel free to ask. I’ve used most of the options.

I put the high definition copy of the Trails Report on Dropbox, and shared it with everyone. If anyone wants a copy of it, the link is:

Folks can either download it from here, or give their print shop the link.