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Final Flight for Pilot Bob Schlaefli

by Ron Stoleson |

On January 16, 2003, Robert Quillan purchased an NSA life membership for pilot Robert Schlaefli on behalf of "the boys in Alaska".

In March, I received a copy of a letter Mrs. Schlaefli sent to the "Boys from Alaska" letting them know that Bob (Slaf) made his final flight on February 24. She said: "He was so pleased and surprised by your generous gesture.

I put the letter on his bulletin board, the plaque on the wall in his room and the nurses (who he cussed out and flirted with on a regular basis)would put the cap on him and wheel him to the dining room.

I am very grateful to all of you for making his last days easier. God bless." I can't add anything else except the words I used in notifying him of the life membership---"you must have been one heckuva pilot".